New Year Money Mojo Quantum Activation

Release the financial patterns, blocks, and energies of the year before.

Mercury retrograde is all about a reset, so why not apply that to your bank account?

I’m honoring the energy of Mercury retrograde by returning to something powerful from the beginning of the year: the Money Mojo Quantum Activation.

Ready to shift your energetic relationship with money?

The last few years have been intense - before we get too deep into the next, let's clear out the energies it brought in, and anchor in new expansion.

Whether it was a great year...or a not so great year, shit got stirred up. That residue is lingering - and it's affecting your life, your bank account, and your business. 

Ew, right?

It's time to break up with money drama.

It's time to amplify what we do have. To claim our gifts. To allow our relationship with money to be easy, breezy, beautiful.

Grab this quantum meditation to 
shift how your energy responds to money, remove all the traumas and blocks that the previous year (or this year so far!) has uncovered, replace the void with the energy of success, and magnetize you to receiving big profits so much easier !

What is a quantum clearing and activation? 
We’re going to go into the heartspace in between timelines to clear out energetic residue, fears, stories, and more. Once you’re clear, we activate your energy to be attuned to new intentions - specifically being a money magnet so this year can be easier, more profitable, and more impactful.  This one is  extra special because as a group, we’ll be aiding the work on everyone. You’ll release more blocks and traumas easily, and also receive more easily.   We’ll begin with ONE thing the last year stirred up for you, then clear out some collective stories, patterns, and blocks, before getting into some specific clearings. After that, it’s time to magnetize your and your bank accounts to increased prosperity, and activate your receiving potential.  

How do you know it will work for me? 
Every client who has experiences a money quantum clearing has received unexpected money easily and effortlessly. Some have received six figures.  

Even on the replay?
You bet! You’ll still be in the quantum web, and will get results. You can use this time and time again!

What will we be clearing? 
You’ll clear one specific thing that showed up for you in the past twelve months. We’ll also be clearing for everyone old beliefs, patterns, and stories around money and receiving money. It doesn’t have to feel hard, or be demanding to sell, receive, or anything in between.  Some requests I’m working in include monthly financial targets, credit card debit, and launch fears!  Have a request? Once you claim your ticket, post here or send an email.  

What will we be activating?  
The version of yourself who easily attracts aligned opportunities of all types + can flow with abundance.

Ready to claim your money mojo? Join us below!

Kristen Jett

Kristen Jett, the Profit Priestess, is a business strategist who helps you connect to your future clients though harnessing your Human Design, quantum ritual, and ethical + aligned marketing. She has over fifteen years experience creating + facilitating marketing strategy, sales funnels, and launch campaigns for million dollar companies. 

She's helped hundreds of clients grow aligned business with results like: five to six figure launches, booking out their business for the next six months,  publishing their first books, creating certification programs - and so much more.

I want you to serve big, live your legacy, - and profit doing it. What does your legacy look like?

Dee Devine

Tarot Reader

I took a nap after watching the replay. I woke up to a mini grant, a returning client, and a new client in one night. I managed to call in more money this month without marketing. All of this happened with ease as I slept.

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Kelci Page

Intuitive Coach

That Money Mojo Quantum activation yesterday was absolute fire. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced quantum work where it reached me this deeply and I was able to connect so consistently and vividly. I needed to just marinate in it and let it absorb. But damn, that was powerful. Thank you so much for gifting us with all of these incredible things Kristen ♡︎ I am so appreciative of the superstar support on an energetic and cellular level.